Hampshire HistBites

Hidden Pages & Hidden Nature: A Book of Hours Revealed

Sophie Hacker, Dr Sarah Griffin, & the Revd Canon Dr Roland Riem Season 1 Episode 5

Join Sophie Hacker at Winchester College as she speaks with Dr Sarah Griffin and Revd Canon Dr Roland Riem about a Book of Hours. 

The three explore the Christian Book of Prayers, its shifting purpose throughout history, and how the intricate and colourful pages were made. They also discuss the meaning of the strange religious art: is a chicken with a dragon’s body simply that, or did the artists have something deeper in mind?

This episode is a bonus episode, specially produced for Winchester Heritage Open Days 2020 festival.

For more information, including a transcript of the episode and our show-notes, go to our website: www.winchesterheritageopendays.org/introduction-histbites